MN Office of Broadband offers Line Extension Connection!

What is the Minnesota Broadband Line Extension Connection?
The Line Extension Connection program goal is to connect residents and businesses that lack access to broadband internet service to service providers, and then assist in the expense of extending broadband to those locations.

How the program works.
Residential and business locations that are unserved (lack access to speeds of at least 25Mbps download and 3Mbps upload) can apply by entering their information into the Line Extension Connection portal*. This will initiate their interest in receiving broadband internet service and make their location available for consideration. By submitting your address into the Line Extension Connection portal, internet service providers will have the opportunity to review the location and submit a bid based on the cost to bring service to your location. The Office of Broadband Development will evaluate these bids and required provider documentation and make awards to the providers whose bid proposes the lowest cost to the State for extension of the service.

Who can apply.
Locations that currently lack broadband service or have actual broadband speeds of less than 25/3Mbps.

CLICK HERE to view the full Line Extension Connection Fact Sheet

Further information may be obtained by contacting: Mark Jeffers Aitkin County Economic Development Coordinator | 218-531-6188 |