Aitkin County Childcare Acceleration Grant is now open!

Aitkin County has been awarded a grant from the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED). The Aitkin County Board of Commissioners, have approved this grant funding to be used to directly impact the Community of Aitkin County by establishing the AITKIN COUNTY CHILDCARE ACCELERATION GRANT Program. The purpose of this grant fund is to help support community members who aspire start their career in childcare and become childcare providers in Aitkin County in an effort to drive economic growth. The main purpose of this grant is to increase childcare slot availability and consideration will be given to new Childcare providers increasing the slot availability. The funding will help support fees associated with new licensing and training needed to open a childcare center or at home facility, general remodeling costs to meet licensing standards and/or funding support to add additional employees to new and existing childcare businesses.

Detailed Grant Guidelines and Application are available HERE. Further information and additional forms and materials may be obtained by contacting: Mark Jeffers Aitkin County Economic Development Coordinator | 218-531-6188 |